About Me

Shirley Pulkkinen

Shirley Pulkkinen

Travelling has always given me and my family a chance to appreciate the beautiful world we live in and the incredible variety of cultures, food, scenic views, animals, and lifestyles. These experiences nourish my heart and mind and are the reason I became a Travel Consultant with Expedia Cruises Sault Ste. Marie. I LOVE to travel and learn about our earth. And travel is more than just the destination; it is the journey as well. Let me help you create your next journey to a place that will nourish your wellbeing. I pride myself in looking after the small details that make the difference between a good experience and a GREAT experience. Whether it is your once-in-a-lifetime dream vacation or the next place to explore on your bucket list, I would be privileged to help create your ideal travel experience with my Expedia Cruises connections and trusted partners.

Are you ready?

Let's start planning your trip today!